Friday, February 15, 2019

Canal Boat Day Hire Cheshire

Whether to celebrate a birthday, special event or just have a fun day out, this inexpensive treat is a great way to take in the country air and relax with family and friends. to find out more or make a booking contact chester day boat hire on 077169 48838. alternatively email: Enjoy a day trip on a canal boat, exploring the beautiful countryside of cheshire. based near northwich, our cheshire acton bridge hire base at bartington wharf is a great place for testing the water with a narrowboat day hire trip.. Photos cheshire ring chester lymm videos about us about our boats find us llangollen canal canal boating guide ellesmere port day hire family friendly holidays caldon canal gallery boating home contact us view your booking four counties ring our boats pet friendly holidays booking useful links about middlewich holiday search compare our boats.

Frodsham Castle • Narrowboat Hire | Claymoore Canal Holidays

Frodsham castle • narrowboat hire | claymoore canal holidays

Cheshire Cat • Narrowboat Hire | Claymoore Canal Holidays

Cheshire cat • narrowboat hire | claymoore canal holidays

Acton Bridge Base - Cheshire Canal boat Holiday Hire

Acton bridge base - cheshire canal boat holiday hire

Canal holidays guide to the cheshire ring. manchester, marple, macclesfield, middlewich and rural cheshire routes, bases and boats for hire and is often tackled early in the day. read what some of our previous clients say about the cheshire ring. "as novices with a canal boat and only having a week we restricted ourselves to the short. Day hire self drive canal boats. self drive day hire canal boats are a great way to get some fresh air with friends or family and to sample what a longer canal holiday would be like. lots of people get hooked this way!. Cheshire cat day boat. you will be shown how to handle the boat, and we will accompany you a short way up the canal while you get the hang of it. all-day hire – 9am to 5pm – prices include fuel and car parking.