Dionne warwick ) is an american singer, actress and tv-show host, having been in a partnership with songwriters burt bacharach and hal david, warwick ranks a.... Trains and boats and planes are passing by they mean a trip to paris or rome for someone else but not for me the trains and the boats and planes took you away. Trains and boats and planes are passing by they mean a trip to paris or rome to someone else but not for me the trains and boats and planes took you away, away from me we were so in love, and high above we had a star to wish upo....
Trains and boats and planes are passing by they mean a trip to paris or rome for someone else, but not for me the trains and the boats and planes took you away, away from me. we were so in love and high above we had a star to wish upon wish and dreams come true, but not for me the trains and the boats and planes took you away, away from me. Trains and bloats and planes are passing by they mean a trip to paris or rome for someone else, but not for me the trains and the boats and planes took you away, away from me we were so in love and high above we had a star to wish upon wish and dreams come true, but not for me the trains and the boats and planes took you away, away from me you. Trains and boats and planes are passing by they mean a trip to paris or rome to someone else but not for me the trains and boats and planes took you away, away from me we were so in love, and high above we had a star to wish upon, wish and dreams come true, but not for me the trains and boats and planes took you away, away from me you are from.