Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Canoe Hull Design

Understanding design elements will help you narrow the sometimes dizzying selection of canoes and make an informed decision.the most easily identified characteristics are length, width (or beam) and depth, but understanding the effects of things like rocker and hull shape are important, too.. The hull is the watertight body of a ship or boat. atop the hull may be a deckhouse or some other form of superstructure, like a mast . the line where the hull meets the water surface is called the waterline .. The deeper the canoe the more seaworthy it becomes in rough water. but the higher sides give more area for the wind to grab hold of especially at the bow and stern. as you can see there are several things to consider when choosing the hull design of a canoe..

Old Town Pack | Open Canoes

Old town pack | open canoes

Sanborn Canoe Co. - Prospector Canoe | Sanborn Canoe Co.

Sanborn canoe co. - prospector canoe | sanborn canoe co.

Motorized Kayaks - Solo Skiff

Motorized kayaks - solo skiff

Straight design is a basic design not intended to deflect water away from the boat. tumblehome design allows water to be deflected while allowing the paddler to easily reach the water with his paddle. so now that you have a better idea of the different types of canoe designs you should have a better idea of how to choose your new canoe.. Part 2a of our series on canoes and canoeing.. A canoe with a lot of rocker offers exceptional manoeuvrability. hull symmetry and taper viewed from above, symmetrical canoes have identical bow and stern ends with the widest point at the centre of the hull. this design offers more versatility because it can be paddled as a tandem or a solo canoe..

canoe hull design